We covered a story on how to make free calls to USA and Canada . There is now one more way to make unlimited calls to Canada from anywhere in the world. Don't miss this post.
One of the most popular VOIP Provider, Localphone is offering totally Free calls to Canada mobile and landline phones . The offer is valid till 12 noon GMT. All existing and new customers can call from their mobile phone, landline or computer from anywhere in the world or from within Canada and they can talk for as long as they want, to as many numbers as they want.
If you do not have a localphone account, Go get one. It costs only $1 to become a Localphone user and if you use our coupon code VGINDIA , you will get 50% additional free credit.
Don't miss on the offer. There are many more free call offers coming at Localphone in the next few days. Join Localphone Today